Stumbleton Castle

Stumbleton is a small town in the County of Duddon on The Mainland. Close by are extensive beaches and marshes where one can see Sodor on a clear day.

Other than farming, tourism and graphite mining there is little industry and jobs are scarce.

The main tourist attractions are The Castle, seat of Lord and Lady Stumbleton who met when they fell down a hill whilst getting some water for their families. Fortunately the whole area now has mains water.


Jack inherited the castle and title from his great Uncle David. He and Jill have done a great deal to improve the lives of local people, in particular developing the independent railway in South Duddon as a tourist attraction.


The Railway is independent and privately owned by the Stumbleton Estate. It has links to the National Network and Sodor. Other than that it goes from here to there and back again, giving the many tourists a great day out.


Locomotives from many different Railways may be found, the most frequent visitors from Sodor include




Alan Banks

11th November 2023

How we did it.


Following a gift to the Association of some Thomas models, our group was challenged to produce an exhibitable layout using the gift.

We settled on 'The next step after a train set'.


Remember this is for very young children to have a hands on model railway experience.

The model is of necessity simple and robust.

How we did it.

Stumbleton Images

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